It is called Mobile Crane to any set formed by a carrier vehicle, on wheels or on tracks, equipped with own propulsion and steering systems on whose chassis a pen-type lifting device is attached.
The self-propelled mobile cranes are designed to lift and distribute in the space suspended loads of a hook or any other accessory of apprehension.
These types of cranes are equipped with own means of propulsion and conduction or that form part of a set with said means that enable their displacement by public roads or terrain.
It has stabilizers that avoid the overturns. The Self-propelled Mobile Crane operates through a hydraulically deployed telescopic boom and a cable and winch system powered by a motor for the lifting movement of loads.
Through the Telehandler Simulator developed by the LSyM group the operators will obtain the necessary expertise and knowledge to avoid or know how to act in situations of risk such as:
Weather events: wind, rain, fog, snow, etc., Realistic collisions response that depends of the severity of collisions and Instructor's console with full control over the simulation.